Goal: create a serverless app that can 1/ send a short audio file to OpenAI Whisper API for transcription 2/ store OpenAI response in a text file and put it in S3
Here are the instructions given by ChatGPT 🙂
- Set up AWS Services:
- Create an AWS Lambda function: This function will execute your code in response to an event, such as an audio file being uploaded.
- Create an S3 bucket: This bucket will be used to store both the input audio files and the resulting text files.
- Configure AWS Lambda Environment:
- Set up the Lambda function environment with the necessary dependencies and runtime. You may need to include the OpenAI API key and other configurations as environment variables.
- Write Lambda Function Code:
- Use a programming language supported by AWS Lambda (e.g., Python, Node.js).
- Use an S3 trigger to execute the Lambda function when a new audio file is uploaded.
- In the Lambda function code, use the OpenAI API to transcribe the audio file.
- Store the OpenAI response in a text file.
- Store Text File in S3:
- Upload the text file to the same or a different S3 bucket.
- Ensure appropriate permissions for the Lambda function to interact with the S3 bucket.
- Test the Setup:
- Upload a short audio file to the S3 bucket to trigger the Lambda function.
- Verify that the transcription is performed, and the resulting text file is stored in the S3 bucket.
- Monitoring and Error Handling:
- Implement logging within your Lambda function to capture errors and monitor execution.
- Set up appropriate error handling mechanisms to ensure the robustness of your serverless app.
Seems pretty reasonable to me, so I decide to give it a try.